Visualizing the Statewide Impact of a Revenue-Neutral Carbon Tax

In the 2016 Washington state elections, there will be a ballot initiative proposed by Carbon Washington asking voters if they want to implement a revenue-neutral carbon tax policy in the state. How are you going to make this decision? The goal of this visualization is to help you make an informed choice by providing information about the estimated financial impacts of such a policy on households around the state.

With the drop-down selector, you can change which variable is encoded on the map, histogram, and bubble chart. For these variables, "average" means electricity is calculated assuming electricity is provided by an average utility in the region in terms of carbon impact. Similarly, "best" and "worst" assume the utility with the best carbon impact and the worst carbon impact, respectively.

With the brush filters, you can change which types of households are included in the data that is displayed on the map and histogram. Also, by clicking a region on the map, only households in that region are included in the histogram.

The coloring of the map shows the relative financial impacts on the selected variable, with red coloring the regions for which the average household is impacted more negatively and blue coloring the regions for which the average household is impacted more positively. For more detail beyond the average household, look to the histogram, which shows the distribution of impacts for the selected variable. For even more detail, the bubble chart breaks the data down further.

Household financial
impact variable:  
  Income filter ($):     Number of dependents filter:     Number of bedrooms filter:     Number of vehicles filter:  

Estimated Change for Selected Variable

(positive amounts indicate households save more money by paying fewer taxes)